Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Rainy Day....:)

Hmm i had written all tht i was feeling below.. n then was wondering..should I post it or not.. n wondering what thoughts would go thru yourmind.. :):)... Yeah i had that fear abt what you would think...anyways.. since most think i'm crazy anyways.. I've got nothing to lose... so let me just come right out n share this small experience with you...

I was walking home in the rain today... and just loving that experience.. and truly thinking how wonderful the world looks after it's rained.... the sounds of the rain drops.. as you walk by... the cool breeze in your face... the way.. it enhances everything around you... the color of the leaves... the color of the flowers... the water droplets on the petals and leaves... the sounds of the car tyres on the wet roads... birds all sticking together under a small shelter... waiting for when the rain would stop and they can spread their wings n fly... wow man.. it's totally an amazing take a slow walk with nature.... god has created soooo many beautiful things for us.. and we generally don't even spend time appreciating it... we are always walking fast... always in a rush ...either to work... or home.. or for lunch... or on the way back.... how many times do people really take a slow walk on their way home appreciating this beautiful world created for us....
Ahhh on days like this.. i truly wish to be.. just sleeping on the grass... feeling the chill of the air... feeeling wonderful as each rain drop falls on my face.. the smell of freshness in the air..... is totally awesome.... and sometimes i wonder why I used to take something sooo beautiful for granted... yeah... as time goes by.. i feel like people tend to take a lot of things for granted.. n stop appreciating the beauty of it... friends... family... children...relationships... we spend sooo much time looking ahead.. that we never stop for one moment to appreciate what we truly have... and HUG it with all our heart and say THANKS... for being there... for giving me all this.... joy n happiness that i'm experiencing....

Yeah today i just wanted to scream to myself... like i was over-whelmed with the life i have.. and felt like whatever i was feeling was bursting from my heart... I truly wanted to acknowledge all the people that have contributed so generously to me.. and all that i've become all that i've grown from my experiences in life....

So next time.. maybe when you are walking home.. just try it out.. for once.. instead of looking at the watch or at the pavement.. look up and see the world.. and the beauty of it... the way people behave..the sky.. the clouds.. and just see how you feel after that smallwalk... ? I truly love it.. makes me feel all HIGH ... just thoughtI'd share my experience with you.. :)


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